Monday, October 28, 2013

Taiwan on May 23 1992

Taiwan Votes Patent Law

On the day that I was born, Taiwan passed an important law for its copyrights security. Before, Taiwan did not have any law preventing patents to be stolen or copied. However, on May 23 1992, the parliament passed the Patent Law, which prevents people and companies from copying the work that Taiwanese have done, and vice-versa. If anyone or any entity breaks this law, it could be facing a 7 years sentence, as well as an up to $18,000 fine. For the entity or person that was affect by the piracy, a damage security can be seek and up to $40,000 can be received. This law is very important because before Asian countries were known to not have any law against piracy, which many of the great ideas that Western companies were using could have been pirated from an Asian company or person. The law was passed due to the pressure that the U.S was making in order for Taiwan to prevent piracy.

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