Monday, October 14, 2013

Field Trip to Bloomberg TV

Last Tuesday, October 8, I attempted a field trip to Bloomberg TV. I was extremely excited to feel how a normal day is in one of the best news’ providers. Our tour guide was Joseph Valenti, a passionate for media and interesting person that taught us a lot of things. The field trip was one of my top 5 moments as a college student so far; to meet and see people that love what they do was breathtaking, which brought more confusion to my confused mind on which path to follow after graduation. Below I will list the top 10 moments of the field trip:

1.     Syndication Control Room – inside the control room is where the action behind the scenes happens. Producer, director and technical director control camera angle, commercial break, and lights so that every second of the show is perfect.

2.     Control Room –in the control room those that work there are working non stop while the show is on. They talk to each other in order to fix what might go wrong or make the good coverage even better. 

3.     Bloomberg’s Values – Mr. Valenti told us that the main goal of the company is to provide information to their audience as well as to the public in general

4.     No Google Research – one of the key factors for the success of the company is that the workers to not made their research relying on search engines. Bloomberg has many field reporters that provide information quickly. Also an enormous database stores all the information that Bloomberg has.

5.     Executive Producer of Charlie Rose’s Show – we had to chance to have a quick talk with the Executive Producer of Charlie Rose’s Show and she gave us an essential tip when entering into a job, find a mentor when you get into the field so that you can learn and meet people that can help you in the future.

6.     Meeting Drew Beebe – we also met Drew Beebe, a producer and shot editor. He gave us the 5 principles of shooting like an editor, which was very helpful for my new media major colleagues. Movement, duration (10 seconds), variety, use of tripod, and audio are the 5 principles that one must use in order to have the perfect shoot of a scene.

7.     Meeting Christine – later in our tour we met Christine, who is a free lancer meaning that she can do other things like going on a tour and when she gets back she will have her sit in the building. She gave us a few tips on editing for example, find the audio first so that it makes easier to make any changes.

8.     BusinessWeek Magazine – we could see how the editors of the BusinessWeek Magazine put the pages together. They put all the content in the wall and they start to move the pages around in order to make the perfect magazine for the week with the most important news of the business world.

9.     Informal Work Environment – I had the feeling that in Bloomberg the work environment is more informal. People were not all in suit and tie, they were more relax, business casual dressing style. There is an enjoyable food courts were the workers can take a break and have a quick talk with co-workers and relax a little bit.

10. Joseph Valenti Tips – throughout the tour Mr. Valenti was sharing with us his experience. He told us that if you do something you love, you would not stop doing it and do it with more pleasure. He also told us that in Bloomberg one could switch jobs, but first prove that he can do the work. He told us that in order to be successful one must know every platform for editing due to the rapid change of technology. For instance, you cannot avoid one platform because you think it is too difficult to work with.

Those were the top 10 moments of the tour we made to Bloomberg. However, there were many other things that were really interesting. For example, the layout of the website and the TV shows is made by the graphic design team that consists of many people working non-stop in order to improve the design. It was an amazing experience that I witness, I am happy that I went there; even though it brought more confusion to my head on what path I want to follow after graduation but it is a good confusion, it gave me more options.

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