Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekly Article: Why Verizon Wanted It All

This week’s article is about Verizon Communication. The company bought from Vodafone the part that the British company owned of Verizon Wireless. A total of U$130 billion was spent in order to acquire Verizon Wireless totally. Before the deal, Verizon was in the market of Internet and fiber optic market having operating income of only U$87 million. Now, by acquiring the rest of Verizon Wireless, the company has an operating income of U$12.9 billion. Verizon, on the cellphone service market, have major competitors that are profiting and getting new costumer at a fastest face than Verizon, which means a drop and sales in service. Verizon needed the acquisition of Verizon Wireless so that the opportunity to grow and earn more profit rises, since they do not need to share the profit with Vodafone anymore. Instead of relying on TV and cellphone service, Verizon expends its markets to the Wireless market.

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